Friday, July 18, 2008

6 Hours of Sleep My A$$

We are high tech in our building here at work. Our elevators have little monitors that have news and trivia and of course advertisements. There was just an ad for a mattress. The commercial states that the average person gets 6 hours of sleep at night. The ad goes on to say “make sure those 6 hours of sleep are better…, blah, blah, blah…” I’m standing there thinking… 6 HOURS????? 6 HOURS. You have GOT to be kidding me! WHEN has it become acceptable that 6 HOURS of sleep is the average? Things like this anger me. Our world is so fast paced anymore there is NEVER enough time to do everything. I so envy mothers that can stay home with their kids. I always think if I got to stay home and didn’t have to work, this would be better, that would be better, but the few mothers that I know that do get to stay home, guess what? Their time is totally and completely full too. I think stay at home moms, the majority of them, take on enough stuff outside of being a stay at home mom that they are in the same boat in a lot of ways as us working moms. Anyway… back to the 6 HOURS of sleep. Just check out what sleep deprivation does to the body. All the effects it can have…

Myself? I require at least 8 hours of sleep at night to feel like I function to my full potential each day. I prefer 9 hours to feel that I reach my fullest potential, but I’ve never been one who has had to have absolute perfection. At 6 hours of sleep a night I would be: ANGRY, sporting a hellacious headache, would be nauseous, totally impatient with anything and everything, pretty much an out and out bitch and I’m not kidding in the least. It just flat out isn’t fair to make people try to function on 6 hours of sleep.

I, personally, being me, find the section on torture a bit comical. This is really good: "At the very least, sleep deprivation is cruel, inhumane and degrading. If used for prolonged periods of time it is torture." Okay, stop me if I’m incorrect, but is this not what we are asked to do day in and day out, week after week, year after year anymore? NO wonder everything has gone or is going to crap!! I think if we all slept more and better, the world would be a lot nicer place. I’d like to say “WAKE UP PEOPLE”, but instead I’ll say “GO TO SLEEP PEOPLE!!”

Just my thoughts! Happy Friday! Get an extra hour or so of sleep this weekend! YOU deserve it! =)

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