Thursday, July 24, 2008

Mini Me

My daughter is turning into a mini me. All I can pray for is that she doesn’t get my butt, thighs or boobs. Poor thing.

1) She HATES mornings. She HATES getting up before SHE is ready to get up. I have been like this for as long as I can remember. I despise mornings. “start of a brand new day… blah blah blah…” GAG!

2) A nice relaxing bath can make everything better. Of course her baths are full of play time and mine full of necessity and sometimes some relaxing. She can be having a melt down, but plop her butt in the bath and she is happy for the rest of the evening. I’m the exact same way.

3, 4, 5) The way she walks, she has my wiggle. The way she sits, legs always curled under, just like me. She has my hair. Oh how I prayed that she would get her daddy’s thick head of hair, but no, she got mine.

6) Our favorite foods are starches and Mexican. I think the only things that stops her at sweets is her Autism and sensory issues with certain foods, otherwise she'd be puttin' down the pies, cakes, ice cream, etc, just like her momma too!

7, 8) She has my patience, which is virtually non existent, AND my temper. Let me elaborate a bit further on that. When it comes to Melody and some other things, I have limitless patience for the most part. Do I loose my patience with my child, yes, but for the most part can keep my perspective about me. BUT, if I am trying to accomplish something and it isn’t going my way… I’ve been known to do some serious damage. Melody is the same way. If she is trying to do something and something is in her way or it isn’t doing what she wants… MELT DOWN. Too bad we can’t spend 24/7 in the bathtub. We’d be the happiest people ever!

I know there are many things to come and a lot more personality to develop on her part, but for now, even with the bad things, that she is like me, it makes me smile.

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